Every Legend Has It's Hero, But Does Every Hero Have His Legend...

Pokemon Theories

                           Garry's Raticate 

Theory -

The Theory goes like this. When you faced your Rival aka Garry at the SS Anne, he had a Raticate. After you defeated him, he went into his cabin in the ship. While you aided the Sailor and left the ship before the word got around, Garry was stuck leaving the ship with a big crowd of trainers. Barely making it out, he runs to the Poke-Center, to heal is 4 Pokemon that were defeated in the battle. Casually waiting, he notices Nurse Joy, returns with a depressed face. Apparently the Raticate passed away, and so did Garry's Child Hood Nature. Garry embarks to Lavender Town, to make his beloved Raticate Rest In Piece. His eyes are filled with Sadness and Anger. He promised his Raticate that he'll become the Pokemon League Champion. Shocked, that he see's you behind him, Garry ask's you if you know what its like to have a Pokemon pass away. You then battle your rival once again, and notice he no longer has his Raticate. After you defeat him, through out the game you realize Garry is much more Serious, and isn't like he used to be. Finally at the end of the game, you defeat him when he becomes the Champion and beat the game. So throughout the game You destroyed his Dream, Kill his Raticate, Destroyed his child hood Nature, and steal the love of his Grandfather. 

Truth - 

Even though this Theory is based all on Pokemon Facts, it's unlikely to be true. When you face Garry at Cerulean he states that he went to Bill, and used the PC. Because of that, it's highly true that he just deposited his Raticate, since it was his lowest level Pokemon on the SS Anne. And to top it off, I doubt they'll do that in a rated E Game...or will they?

                          Was Venonat Suppose To Evolve Into Butterfree?

Theory -

Now as we all know, Caterpie evolves into Metapod, which evolves into Butterfree. But was that really planned. Multiple Pokemon Fans have notices, some similar Characteristics, about Venonat and Butterfree. First off they both have the small arms, big red eyes, long antennas, and a purple fur. Not to mention Caterpie and Metapod share the same eyes as Venomoth. Not to much in this theory, I just thought it was interesting enough to be on this Blog.

Truth -

It's very likely, that Venonat was suppose to evolve into Butterfree, but Venonat and Venomoth  are both Poison types, meaning along Both Venomoth and Beedrill will be a Poison type. It's a thought if you look that way, but this is one Theory that may be false, but I believe it. 

        Was Ditto A False Clone Of Mew?

Theory -

At first, may sound lame, but this is probably the best Theory on this page. Why? Because It's packed with information. The  theory can even go to ways! Info states, a Ditto is a false clone of Mew. It's the same Weight, Color, Shiny Color, Both learn Transform , and can only be found in the Pokemon Mansion which is where Mew-Two lurks. Sounds nifty. This makes me actually believe this theory. The second Theory is the statement that Ditto's were made to Transform into Mew. This one however dosen't shock me. If so, why are Dittos crawling alone, not caught at all. But hey, you never know. 

Truth - If Nintendo never made a Pokemon Game past the 1st gen, I would believe this theory, however there are Ditto's everywhere, nowhere near The Pokemon Mansion. Did somehow the Dittos escape? You can find these guys all the way in Unova! I kinda believe then I don't. But hey only Nintendo knows...or do they.


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